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Put simply, PLR articles, short for Private Label Rights, are readily available web content you can buy with limited rights or license to let you rewrite, edit, and publish the article as your own. PLR articles even let you put in your own name as the author of the article.

While you technically buy the right to publish the article, the right to do so is not exclusive to you but becomes available to anyone who purchases the articles. Thus, rewriting the articles is necessary to avoid being filtered and penalized by content duplication policies of most search engines.

Also, many PLR articles tend to dwell in the generic fields and require you to stick in some product specific and location keywords to enhance your web search engine ranking.

Getting Your Fill of PLR Articles

With the statistics of available Private Label articles out there, you shouldn’t worry about running out of PLR contents to use. PLR articles are often sold by bulk or by membership which makes them really cheap compared to hiring a content writer to do the job.

Depending on the quality and length of the article, content writers charge around $25 a piece. While this remains a popular choice particularly for those who prefer custom-made articles for their sites, many companies are trying to cut cost by opting for PLR articles that cost less than a dollar each.

For 15 to 20 cents per article, you can afford to choose from several readily available PLR articles that tackle different aspects of the topic you want to feature. These PLR articles are given some tweaking and rewriting before published online as unique pieces to ensure that you pass the duplicate content filters.

There are different ways of getting your hand on PLR articles. Many websites sell PLR articles by the hundreds and even thousands for as low as 30 bucks. These are great for those who are unsure whether PLR articles can work for them.

Some PLR websites, on the other hand, offer membership to a limited number and let you access the site for a fixed monthly rate. Membership sites contain numerous PLR articles with a wide variety of topics you can choose from. Before you take your pick of your PLR membership site though, you might want to scout around not just for the best rates but for the most recommended sites by other bloggers.

PLR Articles and Its Many Uses

PLR articles are major time savers. In the worldwide web where everybody’s in a rush to get to the next link, you can’t always afford to wait a decade for a decent article to be written and PLR articles present an instant solution to fill up that 50-page content site.

Article Advertising. PLR articles are one of the best and most cost-effective ways of increasing traffic to your website. PLR articles do not come with outbound links and other distractions to your readers. The only links they contain are those that go directly to your site.

Be a notch higher in search engine ranking. PLR articles give you the freedom to seed the content with your own keywords to target your niche market during web searches.

Branding. Since you’re allowed to use a by-line for the PLR articles, your readers are familiarized with your name as the author who provides them with useful information. Getting a direct link to your site and seeing your name again makes them favourably exposed to you as an information provider.

Posted by- Dean, Discussion- 1 Comment

Category: Site Traffic

plr for seoImproving search engine ranking is the main focus of most online websites and webmasters keep devising new ways to get to the top of that list. This is justifiable as most people won’t bother looking through succeeding result pages of their search. More often, the ‘top ten hits’ are enough to give searchers what they’re looking for.

So how do you improve search engine ranking? There are no exact rules on how to do this but here are some things that may help you do the trick:

Be unique.
The major difference between blogs and many web articles is freshness of the content. Making your article as unique and exclusive as possible will surely improve search engine ranking, not to mention sustain the interest of your readers.

Make your web content search engine friendly. To do this, you need to know the top keywords in the your niche and seed your web articles with these keywords, particularly your titles and subheadings. Optimizing your web content is a sure-fire way to improve search engine ranking.

Minimize the use of ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘the’, ‘or’, ‘in’, ‘and’, etc. in your titles and headings. This can hinder some searches and may give you a lower ranking.

Article marketing is a good way to improve search engine ranking. Spread the love and make sure that your web address or link is visible in as many sites as possible. Distribute your articles with a link to your web page at the end of each piece. This will increase the traffic to your site. Once the search engines discover the number of visits your site is getting, they may consider putting you up a notch higher in the search ranking.

Be specific. You can inject specific locations or brands into your article and titles such as “eye surgery New York”, to help improve search engine ranking during more specific searches.

Times are changing however, and while finding ways to improve search engine ranking is the hottest thing, more and more people are beginning to realize that there is a pot of gold at the end of the “top keywords” rainbow.

Though it technically doesn’t improve search engine ranking, the use of long tail keywords can be used to increase traffic to your website. Long tail keywords pertain to extension keywords below the top 20-30 keywords in search engine results and are often more product or location specific.

Although web pages containing long tail keywords get minimal visitors, many site owners are discovering that a great majority of their site visits come, not from the top keyword searches, but from the long tails.

Using PLR Articles to Improve Search Engine Ranking

PLR articles are a great way to improve search engine ranking since they can easily be seeded with the top keywords to help optimize your web traffic.

PLR articles can also contain specific long tail keywords if you’re planning to target a particular niche market.

Lastly, keep in mind that your article keywords, whether these are top or long tail ones, should be contained in the article title and subheadings. This is essential to improve search engine ranking and thereby get traffic to flow better into your site.

Posted by- Dean, Discussion- 1 Comment

Advertising in whatever form is never cheap; which is precisely why the birth of article marketing caused quite a stir. Article marketing CAN be free and very effective.

By definition, article marketing is advertising or selling through the use of articles submitted to article banks or directories, ezines, blog sites, or any other websites. The articles can be freely used by other web publishers provided they publish it unchanged with the author’s information and credentials intact, usually at the end of the article.

Another great thing about article marketing is that the articles you submitted are reusable and you are free to submit these to as many article banks as you like. You can even compile these articles into an ebook to make extra cash!

With the cost of online advertising, article marketing is a welcome reprieve especially for those who are just starting out their online business. Article marketing lets new and struggling online businessmen free up some cash for other investments.

But how do you get your article marketing plans to fly in the first place? Where do you get your articles? Well, if you have all the time and the expertise to do it, the cheapest way would always be to write the articles yourself. If you do this, you can say that article marketing really comes with total zero cost.

If you want your articles professionally done though, content writers are widely available although their fees while reasonable most of the time, can easily add up as they often charge by the hour, by length of article, or by the number of pages.

The fastest and most cost-effective way to begin your article marketing schemes would be to buy PLR articles. Unlike hiring a content writer to do the job, private label articles are a lot cheaper with most articles costing less than a dollar.

The thing with PLR articles is you need to have them rewritten or customized. Otherwise, you’ll end up being penalized by search engines for content duplication and your article will be omitted from the search index or be given a low search ranking.

Many online businesses offer rewriting services for PLR articles. Though buying and rewriting PLR articles mean spending money, this avenue still a lot cheaper compared to hiring content writers.

Buying and rewriting PLR content to use in article marketing is a practical compromise where you get to save both time and money.

The Perks of Article Marketing

  • You get to establish yourself as an expert in your field. That is, article marketing lets your readers see you as a guru who really knows how your business works because you know what you’re talking about.
  • Article marketing builds trust and credibility. As people get to read your name as the author of many useful articles, you eventually gain their trust. Your readers will look at you as a more credible source of information than any other unfamiliar name or face.
  • It’s fast and easy and cheap. Especially if you go for PLR articles, article marketing is an excellent way to reach your audience for a fraction of the normal advertising cost and within the shortest period of time.
Posted by- Dean, Discussion- 1 Comment
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